Area Resource Locator

Let us help you locate useful resources in your area

Texas Hands and Voices maintains a large contacts database, which can be used to help you locate helpful resources near you.

To get started, click in the map below to get a list of available resources in the selected area.
The areas correspond to Texas Education Agency education service center regions.

TEA Districts Region 01: Edinburg Region 02: Corpus Christi Region 03: Victoria Region 04: Houston Region 05: Beaumont Region 06: Huntsville Region 07: Kilgore Region 08: Mt. Pleasant Region 09: Wichita Falls Region 10: Richardson Region 11: Fort Worth Region 12: Waco Region 13: Austin Region 14: Abilene Region 15: San Angelo Region 16: Amarillo Region 17: Lubbock Region 18: Midland Region 19: El Paso Region 20: San Antonio